2015年11月29日 星期日



曾一度是個人的修行場所, 現已列為文化古蹟. 就算不是佛教徒, 亦可參觀欣賞這八十年前的建築特式. 中西融會. 不過內部不許拍照. 只可用眼去感受.

話說建築設計是一首船, 喻意苦海慈航, 迎難而上, 同登彼岸. 窄而向上的一方是船頭. 滄海桑田, 當年, 闊的那邊已臨海.

畫棟雕樑, 外表中式, 內有西飾

熟識的草皮 ;)



轉過一角, 又見另一類的美麗建築. 手拿相機的我們, 正手癢於未拍夠功課. 走一轉去襯人高興.

意猶未盡, 有同伴傻氣相若, 一同乘巴士去摩星嶺看日落. 雖落日早已寂去, 夕霞殘照, 又給我們找到那看日落的好地方. 不過, 長長石階, 回程已盡是一片黑. 別是一番蒼茫.

2015年11月26日 星期四

Wired Cafe & IFC

One fine day.  Blue sky; family members and a place where you could eat leisurely.  

To celebrate the birthday of my niece and her mother, we went to have our lunch at Wired Cafe as my niece suggested.

Environment OK.  Perhaps it is because of the many restaurants at Hysun Avenue that it was not so crowded.  The sitting space is also ok, not to mention that we have a seat by the window. Lovely....

We had great appetite, or perhaps my niece, the youngest one.  We ate from lunch to tea time. Not only because we would like to have a leisure talk in such a lovely atmosphere, it was also because we have to wait for tea time, starts at 3pm, to eat the egg benedict as well as the sweet pancake, of my niece's favorite.

Christmas is at the corner.  There are lots of things at shops to compete for buyers' purse.

 Malls are all well decorated and early for the Christmas season. IFC is of no exception.

This year, it offers pictures to be taken, free of charges.  Perhaps the season has not yet started, there were not much people to queue up during this early evening.  So I took one as well. It was fun. 

People stand/sit under the centre 'umbrella' to get pics taken

It is the 14th of the lunar month. Great view of the full moon

Rush hour at Central

Christmas decor at Landmark