2016年1月31日 星期日

浮生, 略影

昔日喜帖街, 今日只緣隔街一瞥

待日重遊, 看佢變身模樣

吊鍾花又到季節啦, 期待苞花盛放時

無端偶見的界石 (跑馬地), 真定假, 咁新嘅!

2016年1月25日 星期一

檀悅 '水滴'

As a hotel with a name tag of Howard Johnson, it is full of certain expectation. 

However, a big name or  grand decor do not necessarily reflect the quality of a hotel. 

Its service; the cleanliness and its environment, do count.

Perhaps it is at its pre-opening period for training its staff for accommodating guests or testing out its operation. At the moment,  it is not qualified to be called a 6-star, nor even a satisfactory one.

Besides, the environment nearby is terrible. Is it still being a developing area?  The way leading to the hotel is pathed with rubbish dunes.

Nevertheless, the design of the room is well appreciated.  

 The room


居高臨下, 海灘與花園

The Garden


應是因酒店外牆遠觀似'水滴', 故簡稱之


The Beach

建造工程仍進行中, 要真正享受不妨等等才去

浪滔滔, 不宜下水

The Lobby

Grand is its image, perhaps.  But it calls for maintenance, at least to be clean

The Restaurant

Dinner Buffet , 以所付團費來說, 無可厚非.
但若以標榜六星酒店來說, 真係好普通, 兼無乜野食.

最可笑係服務小家了一點. 每次限一人份魚生, 就係咁多(三文魚加 tuna. so small portion!) 懶得再取


My first experience of mainly staying in a hotel for 'relaxing', not so ideal. So I will stick to my usual way of 'sight-seeing tour'.