2018年11月2日 星期五


經裝修保育, 位於中環嘅 '大館', 因新近始開放予參觀, 遊人仍不絕. 

本是警察局及監獄的'大館', 佔地很廣. 那是當然囉. 英殖民時代的建築, 有一定看頭.

不是第一次參觀'大館', 途經都會順道看看. 不竟太大.

之前不知是未開, 或是睇漏眼, 有座展覽館. 入內一看, 除了空間大, 竟然建築都很有氣勢. 尤其那旋轉樓梯級. 宏偉又美麗. 好難想像曾是屬於冷面鐡窗的地方. 

然而, 就算今日, 走經(不是走進), 那些曾是拘禁人的空間, 又或行過幽暗的走廊, 都有陰冷的感覺. 教人不想駐足.

上: 現今看似消閒的空間

下: 舊日的操埸

在陽光明媚的日子, 遠望藍天, 心懷舒暢.
下望廣埸, 人來人往.
你會慶幸,  存在於不同時空

A plan to Macau turned into a lunch appointment, because of the weather,  with Maria on 5/January, 2019.  As she has not yet visited Tai Kwun and I looked forward to eating at the Corridor restaurant 'Madame Fu ?',  so there we went ....

Though a western restaurant, it offers Chinese tea with no compromise.
It's great 

Yummy dessert that is worth more than just a visit there

After a satisfying lunch, we strolled around and also to PMQ. It happened we spot a street with lots of wall-paintings, so do tourists taking pictures there.  We were no exeption, feeling like a tourist as well :)

A re-visited to Tai Kwun by the way of a dinner gathering with my good friends Maria and Ivy  on 29/January, 2019 

'Behind Bar', bar-turned bar

Because of a lovely picture outside a small restaurent nearby Tai Kwun resulted our gathering for a dinner.

Causa de pescato, Chicha Morada, Tequenos

Pollo a la Brasa, half chicken
yummy, the indispensable rice

Rocoto Chilli ChickenWings

This one of sausage is no good.
Afterall, all are of chicken, so quite a limited collection
Nevertheless, all  dishes except this one are yummy

